WGAZ Hall of Fame Nominations

Nomination Procedure

To submit a nomination this year, you must have a Google account to access the form.

Submit a letter of nomination, including the nominee's name, address, telephone number, and email address. The nomination of a colleague to be considered for this award is strongly encouraged by WGAZ and may be made by any WGAZ circuit member in Arizona.

List the reasons why you believe that your nominee should be selected for this honor. Consider from among the following criteria:

  • What contributions has the nominee made to WGAZ through consistently outstanding instruction and student achievement in the sport of the arts?
  • What contributions has the nominee made to WGAZ through judges training and development, expansion of the activity, etc.?
  • What contributions has the nominee made to the growth and support of WGAZ at large through involvement in public service groups or activities that promote and support winter guard and winter drumline?
  • What contributions has the nominee made to WGAZ by successfully filling leadership positions in the circuit that provide service to both colleagues in winter activity and their students?
  • What contributions has the nominee made to WGAZ by serving effectively as a clinician or adjudicator at circuit shows?
  • What leadership involvement has the nominee had in related professional organizations (other than WGAZ) that has contributed to the awareness and support of winter guard and winter drumline in Arizona?
  • What contributions has the nominee made specifically to WGAZ through research projects, publications, compositions, etc.?
  • What other considerations should be brought to the attention of the Winterguard Arizona Awards Committee that highlight the contributions made by the nominee to WGAZ?

Submission Of Nomination
A completed nomination form is to be submitted, along with the letter of recommendation, to the WGAZ Board. Nominations may be made only by WGAZ members.

Selection Procedure
This award will be reviewed and selected by the WGAZ Awards Committee which is composed of members of the WGAZ Executive Board.

Click here to submit a nomination.

Contact Joyce Loughrige with any questions or reach out to any Hall of Fame members!