Nominations for the Position of Treasurer

Under the new 2020 Bylaws passed at our September membership meeting the Treasure position will take a seat on the Executive Board with voting privileges instead of a paid position. Bylaw 3.1 The elected positions on the Executive Board shall be elected by ballot to serve for two years or until their successors are elected.

ARTICLE IV Members Section 1.

Membership Classifications and Voting Rights. WGAZ has three levels of Membership:

UNIT – Any color guard, percussion or winds ensemble is eligible for membership as a performing Unit in this Corporation. The Band Director or the Head Certified Employee that is the sponsor for the scholastic unit or Executive Director of Independent organizations will appoint one delegate per unit to vote in the election of the WGAZ Executive Board.

We will be holding a special election on November 24th. Each unit will receive an email to confirm their delegate and alternate for the season which must be completed by COB November 17, 2020. The ballot will go live November 24th, by 9:00am and will close at 5:00pm (AZ time) for the delegates to cast their vote.

  • September 22 - Open Nominations
  • November 17 - Close Nominations
  • November 24 - Elections and Results

Below you will find the description listed on our current Bylaws of the duties of the Treasurer position. Please find the nomination form on the WGAZ website and Competition Suite. All nominees and Bios will be posted for review on November 18, 2020.

Nomination form:

Unit delegation form:

Section 4. Treasurer

4.1 Length of Service: 2 years and/or until a successor is elected.

4.2 Responsibilities: The Treasurer shall:

4.2.1 oversee the collection of membership fees.

4.2.2 oversee the budget of the corporation and notify the board when the budget needs amended.

4.2.3 have charge of, control of, and be responsible for funds of the corporation at events.

4.2.4 receive and give receipts for all monies due and payable to the corporation from any source and deposit all such monies in the name of the corporation in such banks as selected by the WGAZ Officers.

4.2.5 work closely with the corporation’s accountant and give financial reports at all board meetings.

4.2.6 shall not be an authorized signatory of the bank accounts of the corporation.

4.2.7 have the accounts audited annually and upon change of Treasurer.

4.2.8 perform all the duties incidental to the position of Treasurer.

4.2.9 perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.


Elections of Executive Board Members

Section 1. Elected Positions. The following Executive Board Members are elected: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Percussion Judges’ Coordinator, Color Guard Judges’ Coordinator, Event Host Coordinator, Percussion Liaison and Color Guard Liaison.

Section 2. Nomination Procedure, Time of Elections.

2.1 Nominating Committee. At least two months prior to Elections, a nominating committee of three or more shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The Nominating Committee shall:

2.1.1 receive candidate nominations for end-of-term positions on the Executive Board for the election meeting held after the conclusion of the season.

2.1.2 receive nominations three weeks prior to the election meeting, at which time nominations will be closed.

2.1.3 present the candidates at the Executive Board Meeting prior to elections.

2.1.4 send notice of candidates nominated and the election procedures (to be determined by the current board) to voting members.

2.2 Elections. Elections will be held after the season is complete, prior to the start of the Fiscal year.

Section 3. Ballot Election, Term of Office, Removal from Office.

3.1 The elected positions on the Executive Board shall be elected by ballot to serve for two years or until their successors are elected.

3.2 The term of office shall begin with the first day of the WGAZ Fiscal year, which is June 1.

3.3 Board positions of President, Secretary, Color Guard Judges’ Coordinator, Percussion Judges’ Coordinator, and Event Host Coordinator shall be elected in alternating years of Vice-President, Treasurer, Percussion Liaison and Color Guard Liaison.

3.4 Executive Board Members may be removed from office without cause by a ⅔ majority vote of the Executive Board. Any Board member may be removed from office for missing three consecutive WGAZ meetings without prior notice or failure to perform their designated duties.

Section 4. Office-Holding Limitations. No member shall hold more than one board position at a time and no member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same board position unless no other is willing to serve.

Section 5. Vacancies. Vacancies will be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board except in the case of President. The Vice-President shall advance to President and a special election will be held within thirty (30) days to fill the office of Vice- President.