Membership Meeting, Elections, & 2021 Bylaw and Policy & Procedure Proposals

To Our WGAZ Family,

We continue to monitor daily, the COVID-19 (Corona Virus) and the impact it is having on large gatherings and meetings. The Board is here to ensure that we have the health and safety of our membership as our top priority. The next Executive Board meeting will be done online and we will be discussing a number of items on our agenda as we wrap up the season which was unfortunately shortened.

Given the current situation we have decided to postpone the May membership meeting as well as Elections until such time that we may have an in-person meeting and elections. We will continue with the current board to handle the current situations and once we are able to resume activities we will hold our May meeting to vote on proposals and board elections.

Board Position Nominations:

WGAZ Board Positions opening up (see bylaw sections 11 & 12).

These positions include:

  • President
  • Color Guard Judges Coordinator
  • Percussion Judges Coordinator
  • Show Host Coordinator

Nominations should be directed towards the nomination committee (members of the circuit) at [email protected]

Please include an email address, phone number for the nominee and the position being nominated for.

Nominations will be open March 30th through April 20th

2021 Bylaw and Policy & Procedure Proposals

Each year we have the opportunity to improve on the experience for our membership. Here is a way for you to affect change in areas where you see improvements can be made. Here is the link to submit your proposals. Again, we will vote on these proposals once we are able to resume large meetings at our postponed Maymeeting, we recognize that in-person discussions before voting are vital to the process which is why we will not do an online vote. Please make sure you have the current bylaws and policy and procedures of the website to make sure you have the most updated information on how we operate WGAZ. Knowing that in order to be a partner with WGI, we do ultimately follow WGI Rules each season. When we need bylaws to govern ourselves on a local level is when we will make decisions that are in the best interest of our membership.

Proposals OPEN NOW will close May 27th

Proposal Submission

Without a State Championships to determine the Advisory Committee, the WGAZ Board has agree to keep all current members and persons in those positions in place through 2021 season. These members are called upon by the Colorguard and Percussion Liaisons when needed to discuss issues that impact the season.

WGAZ’s mission is to foster growth and quality in the performing arts by offering exceptional performance and educational opportunities for our community. That community is you – the students, the instructors and the families that support the activity. Our mission also implies our responsibility to keep safety in our lens with the goal of being overly cautious for the good of all involved.

We want to thank all of you for your patience as we try to maneuver through this COVID-19 concern and address all aspects of this challenging situation. If you have any questions please make sure you reach out to our board members who are here to answer any question you might have.

Stay healthy, be safe.